Recreation Supports

In connection with our Family Support program, the Recreation Support program provides safe and secure experiences - from day trips to long weekends - for individuals with disabilities to have a new experience, make new friends, and most of all have fun! Throughout the Recreation Support program, our staff works with the individuals to encourage them to choose which new community-based experiences they want to participate in. The Arc of Opportunity’s Recreation Support program not only provides people with disabilities fun activities in the community but it is also a much-needed respite for their families. While allowing families the space to recharge and take care of other commitments, we provide support by being prepared to handle the unique challenges of caring for a person with a disability. Each year, The Arc of Opportunity provides over 200 individuals with disabilities and their families with over 100 different trips and events. Of those individuals and families, approximately 30% percent rely on scholarships. Because Recreation Supports does not receive State or Federal funding, we depend on community partners, fundraising events, and individual donors to provide the resources for these incredible experiences. Prospective members will receive a handbook and must complete an intake packet before their first visit:

To attend Saturday Recreation events, you will need to complete a Weekend Recreation Intake Packet if you have not. Please fill it out and return it to the Program Director of Family Supports and Recreation, Maribel Roman @ (978)-972-0601 or

Weekend Recreation Intake Packet Click here

Click here for March Calender

Click here for April Calender

If you would like to apply for a Recreation Scholarship, please Click Here

Join in the fun and volunteer at our events! Apply Here

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