Kathleen Hamelin lives in Fitchburg with husband Michael. Married 23 years, together they are raising their three children. They also live with her father-in-law Alan, and four cats. She works part-time for Massachusetts Families Organizing for Change-Central Region as an Outreach Coordinator, and is Chairperson of the North Central Charter Essential School Special Education Parents Advisory Council. She is a Parent Consultant, having completed training with the Federation for Children with Special Needs in 2008, as well as special education advocacy training for autism spectrum disorders by Mass Advocates for Children in 2006. She also serves on the DDS Central Region Citizens Advisory Board and the Human Rights Committee for the Institute of Professional Practice Inc. She is an active member of Emanuel Lutheran Church in Fitchburg. In her spare time, Kathy likes to socialize, crochet, create religious jewelry, and read. Kathy spent her childhood in Fitchburg and enjoys being an active member in the community. Raising two children with autism gave her the courage and inspiration to be a strong advocate for family supports.
The lifetime probability of becoming disabled in at least two activities of daily living or of being cognitively impaired is 68% for people age 65 and older.